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Academic Vice President  Royal College of Physicians

As Academic Vice President at the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) since August 2024, I have overall responsibility for the College's Communications, Policy and Research Directorate. In just six months, with the support of our brilliant fellows, members and staff, and building on the fantastic work of my predecessors, I have made real progress in all areas. Highlights include: 

Clinical Medicine Journal

The impact factor of Clinical Medicine, the RCP journal, has increased to 3.4, placing it in the top-performing quartile of general and internal medicine journals. ​ Readership has also increased, with downloads off the web increased by 70% compared to 2023.

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The RCP's Clinical Medicine Journal

Supporting research

Research underpins most of what we do in the NHS, yet it is under threat. The number of Clinical Academics (ie university employed doctors doing research) is in sharp decline, and it is increasingly difficult for all NHS doctors including residents (trainees) to get time for research. ​ I am working hard to ensure policymakers understand the need to act now to reverse this decline in research. In recent months this has included meetings with ​ - Baroness Gillian Merron, minister responsible for Research in DHSC - Chi Unwurah MP, Chair of the Science Innovation and Technology Select Committee - Lucy Chappell (head of NIHR) - Rt Hon Patrick McFadden MP, Chancellor the Duchy of Lancaster - Lord Robert Winston ​ As chair of the Academic Leads Committee of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges I am spearheading an initiative to develop a single common position for all 23 Colleges and Facilities that are members of the Academy. A single united voice is harder for ministers to ignore. ​ ​​​

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Discussing the need for more research time for NHS doctors with Health Minister Barroness Mirren

Pushing health policy

It is my pleasure to support the special advisors and advisory groups across all of the RCP's policy priority areas, including health inequalities, sustainability, alcohol, tobacco, air quality, obesity and population health. Highlights in recent months include: - the launch of the Green Physicians Toolkit - RCP Policy Breakfast with Peers in the House of Lords - Westminster Event with the Obesity Health Alliance - Joint event with the WHO and BMJ discussing how conflicts of interest undermine public health and policy

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Meeting of the Health Inequalities Advisory Group in the Censor's room at RCP Regent's Park

Med+ Conference 2024

By listening carefully to members and fellows about what they wanted from a conference, we made Med+ 2024 into our most successful conference ever, in terms of attendees, revenue and surplus*. ​ This included: - Clinical Sessions where the emphasis was on what the general internal medic needed to know, with a focus on presentation of cases - "How to.... Workshops" which focused on practical advice to support your career, eg "How to Prepare as a New Consultant" - Fantastic Plenaries, e.g. doctor and best-selling author Gavin Francis' discussion of his new book: Free For All - Why the NHS is Worth Saving. ​ *all the surplus is plowed back into supporting college activities.

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Professor Tom Solomon with author and doctor, Gavin Francis

Our messages our getting through

Recent discussion in the House of Commons debate on pandemic threats​ indicates our message of more funding and time for doctors to do research is landing at the heart of government.​

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House of Commons debate on pandemic preparedness

Sharing international issues

“Diversity, Inclusivity, Equity” was the overarching theme of The Ceylon College of Physicians Annual Academic Meeting (2024), held jointly in Sri Lanka with RCP London and RCP Edinburgh. It was an honour to represent RCP London discussing this important area, as well as my own research on brain infections.

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"Challenging Neurological Infections" at the Ceylon College of Physicians annual scientific meeting, September 2024

© 2016 by Tom Solomon

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